Armour Class: 10
Action Points: 6
Money: 10
Next Turn
Medium: 10
Your Total: 0
Custom Modifier: 0
Skill Modifier: 0
Dice: 0 + 0 = 0
Grants +1 to Health.
Grants +1 to Morale.
Grants +1 to Physique at the cost of -1 to Morale.
Grants +1 to Intellect at the cost of -1 to Health.
Grants +1 to Motorics at the cost of -1 to Morale.
Grants +1 to Psyche at the cost of -1 to Health.
Grants +1 to Health.
Costs 3 AP to use.
Grants +1 to Morale.
Costs 3 AP to use.
Grants +1 to Physique at the cost of -1 to Morale.
Costs 2 AP to use.
Grants +1 to Intellect at the cost of -1 to Health.
Costs 2 AP to use.
Grants +1 to Motorics at the cost of -1 to Morale.
Costs 2 AP to use.
Grants +1 to Psyche at the cost of -1 to Health.
Costs 2 AP to use.
Punch, kick, trip, shove.
Costs 2 AP to use.
Attack with a one-handed melee weapon.
Costs 3 AP to use.
Attack with a two-handed melee weapon.
Costs 4 AP to use.
Attack with your ranged weapon.
Costs 3 AP to use.
Reload Weapon for 1 AP.
Pin an enemy, preventing them from attacking or moving.
Costs 3 AP per turn to use.
Strike at an enemy leaving your melee range.
Costs 2 AP to use.
Walk or run 1 meter.
Costs 1 AP to use.
Move through difficult terrain.
Costs 2 AP to use.
Move 1 meter and trigger no opportunity attacks for the rest of your turn.
Costs 3 AP to use.
Hide from another creature. Must be out of sight.
Costs 3 AP to use.
Sneak one meter.
Costs 1 AP to use.
Leap or climb one meter.
Costs 2 AP to use.
Heal an ally of superficial wounds by plugging them up with Pelfidation. Performed on touch to heal 2HP.
Costs 3 AP and 1MP to use.
Pelfidate a creature into being, to aid you in battle. Requires Meat.
Costs 3 AP and 1 MP to use.
Summon a pelfidated hand to reach, touch, and grab things. Requires Meat.
Costs 2 AP and 1 MP to use.
Launch an acidic blast.
Costs 2 AP and 1 MP to use.
Recast for 1 AP and 1 MP.
Pelfidate someone to alter their appearance. Requires you to pass a check.
Costs 2 AP and 1 MP to use.
Causes an enemy to go insane. On a failed PSY check, they take 1 point of Morale damage and turn hostile to everyone for 2 turns.
Costs 2 AP and 1 MP to use.